Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 10: Old is New Again

Another track made on the Hackintosh netbook.  Tried to push the DSP envelope on this one.  Almost came out sounding as mean as i wanted it to.  Used mostly thors and subtractors, but did add a Nucleus Soundlabs patch to fill it out.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 9: Throwback

Here's a little something for all you Kraftwerk fans out there.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 8: 50 dollar computer

From time to time it's good to have limitations.  I made this on a netbook that cost $50.  Five instruments is about all it can handle.  To be fair I did master it on my "real" computer.  Enjoy.

Photo taken in a tunnel.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 7: Milestones and New Sounds

Goal #1 was to make it a week.  Goal #1 has been reached.  Now to hit goal #2... 2 weeks!

Today's track deserves a special thanks to the good people at Nucleus Soundlab for the Pay What You Want Christmas deal.  It allowed me to get 8 Refills for a fraction of the cost.  I wanted to use only those refills on a track to show how FREAKING GOOD they are.  Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 6: Getting Things Done

While working on something this morning I came to the realization that I have TOO much music that I've already put out in the world that a lot of people still haven't heard.

I will occasionally be posting pieces here that are not something brand new, but are still something I want to share and/or make sure it has another outlet.

Today's piece is one of those.

Please take a listen.  If you like it, you can buy the track for 20 cents (yes, 20 CENTS) or the album for $1 US (a whole album for 1 dollar!).  If you really like it you can choose to pay more for the album.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 5: Back to the Grind

The holiday is over and over with a quickness.  Back to the salt mines now.

The track below was my first attempt at trance.  Wasn't totally non-plussed since it's something that I don't really even listen to, let alone consider myself versed in.  Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 4: I saw three ships go sailing by...

I'm reminded by more worldly friends that this day is actually a celebration from other people and cultures, appropriated by Christians many, many years ago. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Solstice, or Festivus, I hope that it's a day of rejoicing and love for you and yours.

Here is the obligatory Christmas track. Would've made a Kwanzaa track if I knew how, but I can only speak to my own cultural experience... and a picture of Baby Jesus?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 3: On the day before Christmas

On the night before Christmas, someone might be creeping down your chimney. There's a chance it might sound something like this.

This is from a series of pieces in which I was making patches for experimentation/learning purposes and labeled them "Useless", seeing no value in them, but refusing to through them away (I'm a digital hoarder). Now, in retrospect, they seem pretty useful. Thought this piece was kind of nice. Please enjoy and feel free to download and play for your friends to make them uncomfortable when they come over.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 2: And Now for Something Completely Different...

The purpose of this track was to try and "fake" guitar.  For anyone who plays guitar they know this is folly.  For people who don't play guitar they quickly figure out that this is folly.  You can come close to faking it, but you'll never get a totally convincing sound.  When I finally threw in the towel and gave up on trying to make it sound "real" I decided to just have fun with the track.

So, with all that being said:


Please Enjoy.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 1: Good Things

Good things happen every day. Just listen to the beginning of this track.

Hitting the deadline of midnight every day might be a little harder than I initially thought.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 0: The Beginning of a New Age

Today feels like New Year's Eve and Christmas all at once to me. Don't know why. I've never celebrated the solstice before. Did this cover to commemorate the day.

Happy New Age to us all!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day: -1

The goal is to post a piece of music every day. No set length, style, or any other expectation. Just post a new work, done that day. If I can do it for a week, maybe I can do it for a month, maybe for a year. Let's see...