Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 324: i, Album now available

Soon after purchasing my first smartphone (an android) I learned that Garageband was available on the iPhone. I knew I HAD to HAVE ONE. Sadly, it wouldn't be until my contract was up that I could actually afford one. Within a few days of getting the iPhone I was working on the first tracks.

My initial thought was to do everything on the phone. Recording, mixing, mastering, etc, but I quickly realized that was not very practical, and decided I'd use the phone as the primary instrument/recording tool and do final mixing/mastering on the computer.

There are some vocals that were done via computer, as well as some instruments added here and there for color, but the bulk of it was done on an iPhone (a 4s, to be specific). On "Promise Not to Tell" almost everything was done on the phone. No additional instruments were added, only mixing and mastering done on computer, but I wanted more variety that what I was able to achieve on that song, so I moved to Plan B.

I hope you enjoy listening to these songs and it opens your eyes to the possibilities you may be carrying in your pocket right now.

Chad Taylor


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